Welcome to my Site (Exclusive to Young Gamers)!

Who am I!

I am ze funny internet man! I have in love with the internet since the year 2010, the year in which I discovered youtube! Ironically enough I didn't actually get into gaming till 2011 with flash games of that era. From 2010-2012 I was very much in love with web animation posted by indie animators and pixar's short films! (I still am!)
My first real video game youtuber was Zackscott games! (He's still active which is nice) Then I got into the usual people and the rest is history!

From there I got really interested in horror media (got it from my mom). So obviously I got into a lot of rpg maker horror games around 2013. My love of sharks also got it's start from seeing Shark movies (funny how it's oposite for a lot of people).
Most important to me was my love of Little Big Planet at that time as it made me really want to create something. Anything really. I had already been doing that for a while but only at that point did it really end up in overdrive.

From there the rest is practically history <~Just doesn't wanna talk about it right now

Flavor Text

Note to self:Add something dumb about my evil favourite characters

Special thanks to Sadgrl for the layout!!!

Not to forget this blogpost where I got the background from!